Access control is an important part of maintaining a secured area. AAA Fence, Inc.
Phone: 907.349.7000 - Fax: 907.349.7002 - 1701 E. 82nd Avenue; Anchorage, AK; 99507
Phone: 907.349.7000 - Fax: 907.349.7002 - 1701 E. 82nd Avenue; Anchorage, AK; 99507
We are located at:
1701 E. 82nd Avenue |
Hours of Office Operations Monday: 8:00am-12:00pm - 1:00pm-5:00pm -Closed 12:00-1:00 for lunch (closed major holidays) |
Cross roads are Dimond Boulevard and Sandalwood (Holiday Gas station and Decor Lighting). Sandalwood is directly across Dimond from the northbound New Seward Highway/Dimond Boulevard off-ramp. Optional: if you know where the Long Branch Saloon and Builder's Millwork Supply are, we are 2 blocks directly BEHIND (heading North).
And if those directions don't us at 907.349.7000. We'll get you here!
AND - if there's anything else we can do for you...please take a moment to fill out our contact form! We'll get back with you as soon as possible.